Likert Scale Questions: Your In-Depth Guide

Likert scale questions play a vital role in surveys and research studies, allowing us to gauge people's attitudes, opinions, and perceptions. This comprehensive article aims to clearly understand Likert scale questions, including their definition, types, examples, and the value they bring to data collection. 

Whether you're a researcher, survey designer, or simply curious about Likert scales, this article will equip you with the knowledge to make informed decisions and effectively gather valuable data.

Likert scale questions play a vital role in surveys and research studies

Likert scale questions are a type of psychometric scale used to measure individuals' attitudes, opinions, or perceptions on a specific topic. These questions involve presenting statements and asking respondents to rate their level of agreement or disagreement. 

Respondents can use a Likert scale to express their opinions on a continuum, providing valuable insights into their thoughts and feelings.

Different Types of Likert Scales

Likert Scales with an Even Number of Points

Likert scales with an even number of points require respondents to choose between positive and negative options without a neutral response. 

This forces respondents to take a clear stance on each statement. However, some researchers argue that this approach might introduce response bias due to the absence of a neutral option.

Likert Scales with an Odd Number of Points

In contrast, Likert scales with an odd number of points include a neutral response option. This allows respondents to express a lack of agreement or disagreement with a statement, providing a more balanced and nuanced perspective. The inclusion of a neutral option enhances the accuracy of the data collected.

Example of a Likert Scale Survey

To illustrate the use of Likert scales, let's consider a survey on customer satisfaction for a restaurant. In this survey, respondents are asked to rate their agreement or disagreement with the statement:

"The quality of food at XYZ Restaurant is excellent."

The respondents can choose from the following options:

  1. Strongly Disagree
  2. Disagree
  3. Neither Agree nor Disagree
  4. Agree
  5. Strongly Agree
Analyzing the responses to this Likert scale question enables researchers to gain insights into customers' overall perception of the restaurant's food quality.

Understanding the Likert Scale Agreement

Likert scale agreement refers to the consensus or disagreement among respondents regarding a particular statement. Researchers often analyze the distribution of responses to identify patterns and trends. 

This analysis helps uncover areas of agreement or disagreement, enabling researchers to draw meaningful conclusions from the data. The Importance of Likert Scale Questions

Likert scale questions offer several advantages in survey research. They provide a structured framework for measuring attitudes and opinions, allowing for quantitative analysis of subjective data.

Likert scales facilitate comparison and statistical analysis across different groups or periods, enhancing the reliability and validity of the data collected. Moreover, Likert scale questions are user-friendly and easily understood by respondents, leading to higher response rates and more accurate data.

Likert Scale Ranges: 1 to 5, 4, 6, and 7

Likert scale questions can be designed with various response ranges, depending on the research objectives and desired level of granularity. 

The most commonly used ranges include 5-point, 4-point, 6-point, and 7-point scales.

Sample of a 5-Point Likert Scale Questionnaire

A 5-point Likert scale questionnaire may include the following response options:

  1. Strongly Disagree
  2. Disagree
  3. Neither Agree nor Disagree
  4. Agree
  5. Strongly Agree
This range provides a balanced scale with a neutral midpoint, allowing respondents to express a lack of strong agreement or disagreement.

Example of a 4-Point Likert Scale

A 4-point Likert scale simplifies the response options and could be as follows:

  1. Strongly Disagree
  2. Disagree
  3. Agree
  4. Strongly Agree
While this scale offers simplicity, it sacrifices the level of granularity provided by additional response points.

Exploring the 6-Point Likert Scale

A 6-point Likert scale provides more response options, allowing for finer distinctions in respondents' opinions or attitudes. It may include options such as:

  1. Strongly Disagree
  2. Disagree
  3. Slightly Disagree
  4. Slightly Agree
  5. Agree
  6. Strongly Agree
This scale provides researchers with a greater level of detail to analyze respondents' perspectives.

Examples of 7-Point Likert Scale Questions

A 7-point Likert scale offers an even higher level of granularity. 

Here's an example of response options for a 7-point Likert scale:

  1. Strongly Disagree
  2. Moderately Disagree
  3. Slightly Disagree
  4. Neither Agree nor Disagree
  5. Slightly Agree
  6. Moderately Agree
  7. Strongly Agree
This range allows researchers to capture more nuanced responses and gain deeper insights into respondents' opinions. 


In conclusion, Likert scale questions are valuable tools for measuring attitudes, opinions, and perceptions. By utilizing Likert scales effectively in surveys and research studies, researchers can gather structured and quantitative data, enabling them to make informed decisions. Whether using 5-point, 4-point, 6-point, or 7-point scales, careful design and implementation of Likert scale questions are crucial for obtaining accurate and meaningful responses.


Q: Are Likert scale questions suitable for all types of research?

A: Yes, Likert scale questions can be adapted to various research areas, including social sciences, market research, psychology, and more.

Q: Can I create my response options for Likert scale questions?

A: Absolutely! Researchers can customize Likert scale response options based on their specific research needs.

Q: Is it necessary to include a neutral response option in a Likert scale? 

A: No, it's not mandatory, but including a neutral option allows respondents to express a lack of agreement or disagreement.

Q: Can Likert scale questions be used in online surveys?

A: Yes, Likert scale questions are commonly used in online surveys due to their simplicity and ease of implementation.

Q: How can I analyze Likert scale data? 

A: Depending on the research objectives, Likert scale data can be analyzed using various statistical techniques, such as mean, median, mode, and chi-square tests.

Likert Scale Questionnaire

A Likert scale questionnaire is a survey tool that utilizes Likert scale questions to measure attitudes, opinions, or perceptions. Respondents are presented with statements and asked to rate their agreement or disagreement on a scale. This questionnaire format is widely used across various research domains.

10-Point Likert Scale

A 10-point Likert scale expands the response options to provide a higher level of granularity. Respondents can choose from ten points on the scale, allowing for more nuanced and detailed responses.

Likert Scale Formula

There is no specific formula for Likert scales themselves. However, once the data is collected, various statistical techniques can be applied to analyze the responses. Commonly used procedures include calculating mean, median, and mode and performing chi-square tests to uncover patterns and trends in the data.

Frequency Likert Scale

A frequency Likert scale measures the frequency or occurrence of a particular behaviour, opinion, or experience. Respondents rate how frequently they engage in or observe a specific event or phenomenon, such as "never," "rarely," "sometimes," "often," or "always."

Likert Scale Options

Likert scale options refer to the response choices available to respondents when answering Likert scale questions. These options typically include a range of points, such as strongly disagree, disagree, neutral, agree, and strongly agree. The specific wording and number of options can be customized based on the research objectives.

Likelihood Likert Scale

A likelihood Likert scale assesses the perceived likelihood or probability of a specific event occurring. Respondents rate the possibility on a scale, which may include options like "very unlikely," "unlikely," "neutral," "likely," or "very likely." This type of scale helps measure expectations or predictions.

What is a Likert Scale Example?

A Likert scale example can be seen in a survey question like:

Please rate your satisfaction with the customer service received:

  • Very Dissatisfied
  • Dissatisfied
  • Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied
  • Satisfied
  • Very Satisfied
This example showcases a Likert scale question asking respondents to express their satisfaction regarding customer service.

What is an Example 5-Point Likert Scale?

An example of a 5-point Likert scale can be found in a question like:

"How strongly do you agree with the statement: 'The company's products are high quality'?

  • Strongly Disagree
  • Disagree
  • Neither Agree nor Disagree
  • Agree
  • Strongly Agree

This 5-point Likert scale allows respondents to express their level of agreement with the statement.

What is a Good 5-Point Likert Scale?

A good 5-point Likert scale is balanced, easy to understand, and effectively captures respondents' opinions. It should include response options that cover the full spectrum of agreement and disagreement, providing enough granularity without overwhelming respondents with excessive choices.

What is a Good Likert Scale?

A good Likert scale is well-designed, considers the research objectives, and provides reliable and valid data. It should have unambiguous statements, appropriate response options, and be contextually relevant to the measured topic. Additionally, a good Likert scale should encourage honest and thoughtful responses from participants.

How do You Analyze a 5-point Likert Scale?

Analyzing a 5-point Likert scale involves examining the distribution of responses across the scale. This can be done by calculating descriptive statistics such as the mean, median, and mode. Additionally, cross-tabulations and chi-square tests can be used to analyze relationships between Likert scale responses and other variables of interest.

What are Some Likert Scale Questions?

Likert scale questions can cover various topics depending on the research objectives. Here are some examples of Likert scale questions:

How satisfied are you with the cleanliness of the facilities?

  • Very Dissatisfied
  • Dissatisfied
  • Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied
  • Satisfied
  • Very Satisfied
To what extent do you agree with the statement: 'The new company policy enhances employee productivity?
  • Strongly Disagree
  • Disagree
  • Neither Agree nor Disagree
  • Agree
  • Strongly Agree
Rate your level of agreement with the statement: 'The online shopping experience was user-friendly and intuitive'?
  • Strongly Disagree
  • Disagree
  • Neither Agree nor Disagree
  • Agree
  • Strongly Agree

How do You Analyze Data Using a Likert Scale?

Data analysis using a Likert scale involves aggregating and summarizing the responses received. This can be done by calculating frequencies and percentages for each Likert scale option. Statistical techniques like mean, median, and mode can measure respondents' attitudes or opinions. Inferential statistical tests can also examine relationships or differences between Likert scale responses and other variables.

How do You Use a Likert Scale?

To use a Likert scale effectively, follow these steps:

  • Clearly define the research objective and the construct to be measured.
  • Develop Likert scale statements that are concise, specific, and relevant to the research topic.
  • Determine the appropriate response options and their corresponding points on the Likert scale.
  • Present the Likert scale questions in a consistent and logical order.
  • Administer the Likert scale survey to the target respondents.
  • Collect and record the responses accurately.
  • Analyze the Likert scale data using appropriate statistical methods.
  • Interpret the results and draw conclusions based on the data analysis.
Why Do We Use a 5-Point Likert Scale?

A 5-point Likert scale is commonly used due to its simplicity and ease of understanding for respondents. It balances providing enough response options for nuanced feedback and avoiding excessive complexity that might lead to respondent confusion or fatigue. The 5-point scale also allows for easier data analysis and interpretation than scales with more response options.

What is the Most Popular Likert Scale?

The 5-point Likert scale is considered the most popular and widely used. Its simplicity and familiarity make it a common choice for survey designers and researchers. However, other variations, such as 7-point and 10-point Likert scales, are also widely employed in different research contexts.

What is Good and Very Good on the Likert Scale?

On a Likert scale, "Good" and "Very Good" represent positive response options that indicate agreement or satisfaction. These options typically fall on the favorable end of the Likert scale continuum, with "Very Good" showing a higher level of understanding or satisfaction than "Good." The exact interpretation may vary depending on the context and specific Likert scale statements used in the survey.

Likert Word Document

About the author

Zubair Goraya
Ph.D. Scholar | Certified Data Analyst | Blogger | Completed 5000+ data projects | Passionate about unravelling insights through data.

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