Hierarchical Clustering in RStudio: A Step-by-Step Guide
Key Points Hierarchical clustering is a type of unsupervised learning that groups
observations based on their similarity or dissimilarity without specifying the
number of clusters beforehand.
To perform hierarchical clustering in RStudio, you must install and load two
packages: factoextra and cluster. Then, you need to scale your data using the
scale() function and perform hierarchical clustering using the agnes() function
from the cluster package.
To visualize and interpret your clustering results, you can use a
dendrogram, a tree-like diagram showing how the clusters are nested within each
other. You can plot a dendrogram using the fviz_dend() function from the
factoextra package.
Hi, I'm Zubair Goraya, a data analyst and a writer for Data Analysis, a website
that provides tutorials on how to use RStudio for various data analysis tasks.
In this article, I will show you how to perform hierarchical clustering in
RStudio, a powerful technique for finding groups of similar observati…