How to Perform ANCOVA with R: A Simple Guide

How to Perform ANCOVA with R: A Simple Guide
ANCOVA is short for analysis of covariance, a statistical method that lets you compare the means of an outcome variable among two or more groups while accounting for (or correcting for) the variability of other variables, known as covariates.  Covariates are variables related to the outcome variable but not of primary interest to the study. By adjusting for the effects of covariates, ANCOVA can increase the accuracy and the power of the analysis and remove the confounding bias between the groups. ANCOVA can also test the interaction effects between the variables and provide the adjusted group means for the covariates. # Fit the ANCOVA model using the aov() function model_aov <- aov(weight ~ exercise * age * height * bmi * gender, data = data) Key takeaways ANCOVA stands for analysis of covariance, a statistical method that allows you to compare the means of a continuous dependent variable across different groups while controlling for the effects of one or more continuous covariates. ANC…

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